Spontaneous Travel

I’m waiting outside of a friend’s apartment in Berlin, waiting to let him know I’m here. He requested that I get here at 10am, so I have a few minutes to spare.

I purchased my ticket last night to Berlin with my friend’s travel benefits, getting a discounted ticket here. I had decided to go to Berlin several days prior but procrastinated on purchasing the ticket. When I did buy the ticket last night, I thought I was leaving at 4pm today. But I learned around midnight that my time telling skills are lacking, because thanks to Google I got a reminder that my flight was 5 hours away. It gave me little time to mentally prepare for the trip, let Nadav (Israeli fling) know I was leaving as well as my friend Pascal  (Berlin friend who met online last year, never met in person) that I was coming earlier than expected.

I was able to pack my bags in 20 minutes and I got to stay with Nadav for an hour cuddled up before I had to say goodbye.

And Vula, now I’m here in Berlin. With no itinerary or plans other than I want to see the party scene. I told Pascal I’d only stay with him for a day. So it is up to me to find a hostel and plan out when I am going to London, my next destination.  I have always considered myself spontaneous, but not to this extent. It’s kind of exhilarating but also stressful and at times inconvenient.