Gee Willikers!

It’s been over 2,799 days since I last wrote in this blog! It’s quite a shame too, because I genuinely enjoy writing about my travels but life happened and I got pulled into the ebb and flow (aka chaos) of New York City!

See, after June 2016 I moved backed into Boston where I struggled to find work for over a year. Because of all the traveling I did in previous blog entries, I racked up a lot of debt. And living in Boston ain’t cheap, so it all compounded and next thing I knew I was paying $900 in interest alone every month on my credit cards. Boston, a city I had previously loved, became a city I abhorred! I started to see the racist underbelly of the city coupled with the elitist attitudes of employers… All while surviving six months of winter. Honestly it was quite miserable.

And after a year of struggling I moved to New York City, where I crashed on a friend’s couch for a week and very quickly turned my life around. In just a few days I found an apartment in Washington Heights and a really cool job with Samsung, working as an assistant technician to the Samsung Care truck. It was a super fun experience.

Working with Samsung Care actually opened the door for my Field Marketing career in NYC!

From there I claimed bankruptcy to relieve myself of all the debt I accumulated from my travels and from living unemployed in Boston for almost a year, and really turned my life around!

That’s the short version, because a lot has transpired in those 2,799 days! But now I’m back to traveling, and I’d like to give this travel blog business another try. Right now I’m currently in Bali, Indonesia and I am having the time of my life! But I think I’ll get into more detail in another post. 🙂

My 2,799 day hiatus is over!

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