Last Day Abroad

Today is my last day abroad, as I fly back to JFK tomorrow morning at 12pm from Madrid with Iberia. This will concluded my three months abroad. This has actually been my longest trip abroad, of the three consist of 6, 11, and now 14 weeks away from the US. Woohoo.

But this trip is officially over, and I’m feeling pretty good. Last time I left Europe to return, I was really anxious. Not knowing what the future had in store for me. All I knew was that I was going to live in NYC for the fall. This time around, I have a plan.

I told myself that I needed to study abroad for my Master’s degree in Stop Motion Animation, I had planned to start the program in BAU: Barcelona School of Design in 2016 and I’m right on track with that goal. I came back to Barcelona from London to check out the school and to talk to an owner of a Hostel Nadav set me up with for a possible job. I’ll be returning, assuming I get my VISA, to Barcelona in October to study for almost a year and possibly work at a hostel. So my travels are far from over.

For the most part I am ready to return to the states though, I am ready to buckle down and work on myself over the summer. I also have a youtube channel to launch off the ground (search YoyaFabulosa) and I’m pretty excited about that.

Leaving from Madrid also feels right. I spent a majority of my summer here last year, and I fucking loved it. Though I don’t have too much to show for it here. I did learn a lot of spanish and made a handful of friends, but sadly none from Madrid. Except Torin, a guy whom I paid a house visit. We chatted, and I ended up leaving after a good conversation with him hijacking my cellphone case because he wanted me to kiss him. Hell no, I was going to kiss him. So homeboy had my cellphone case for about a month before he begrudgingly returned it to me by throwing it off from his rooftop. Upset with me because I wasn’t showing any interest in him… Why am I even bringing him up? Oh, right because as soon as I got back to Madrid, he started messaging me again. Though I doubt he recalled it was me initially.

I digress. I’m doing a bit of reflexing here. It’s nice to come back here and it feel SO familiar. Same with Barcelona, but to a much larger extent here in Madrid. It feels like home almost. Or maybe more like a playground 🙂

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