Berlin Nights

I’ve been too Berlin before, last July. But last time I visited the city as if I was an older traveler. No parties,  nothing crazy. I found myself regretting not going to the party capital of Berlin to turn up and party.

Hence, a second trip was in order.  This time  around I knew I was going to party. And that I did. My first two nights I stayed with a friend who I’ve been messaging for over a year now with no parties in the evening.  Just exploring and shopping.  But Friday and Saturday night,  I went out to see what makes Berlin the party capital of Europe.

Friday night I was recommended to KitKat, which was having a large gay party. Said party was actually a sex party where beds and dark rooms were provided for patrons. I can’t really say much about this party other than it was not my scene and everyone was pretty jacked up  (or murfed as they say in Hawaii). After KitKat I decided to venture to Berghain on a whim. I wanted to go but wanted to reserve it for Saturday. But hey, what the hell… I decided to go. I heard it was difficult to get in but I did the proper amount of research, wore all black and mesh.  Got in without a problem, though it probably helped that I went at 5am. It was a very nice venue, massive in scale and the music was fantastic, but I was tired and exhausted.  So I left early.

But the night I want to write about is tonight, Friday night. I had an absolute blast. I knew I was going to be hanging out with Nickie, a berlin native that I meant during my time at ITH Zoo Hostel as volunteers. We were going to go to the Berghain but since I already went there was no reason to go back. So we decided on going to watergate and I invited a new friend I met, Kyle from the hostel I was staying at the previous night (currently staying in a gay hostel).

We all met up at Warschaur Station  and from there we all connected quickly and went out for drinks. That’s when the fun began, we went to several different establishment until we settled on one India food place that had 3.80€ all drinks happy hour. We spent an hour there throwing back drinks and I learned more about snapchat (dog filter HERE I come!) There was one drink in particular was one you could set on fire. We lit up our drinks and I placed my straw in the cup, not thinking about how flammable it was. Burnt my straw and had to get another. Sometime after this, right as we were about to consume our drinks, Kyle drops his drink on the table. Setting it on fire. I watched, alarmed and still until Nicki shouted “Gio, you’re on fire ”
And sure enough my cardigan was on fire. I jumped up quickly and put on the flames as fast as I could. My cardigan was unharmed, thankfully. And the bartender was nice enough to replace Kyle’s drink for free.

More shots of tequila and we were on our way to the Watergate,  tipsy and ready to dance.  Upon entry, Nicki suggested we see the terrace that was outside on the river. It was very nice with a great view. She wanted a cigarette but was too shy to ask so I decided to do the asking. I went to two guys and asked, rejected. So I searched for others who has cigarettes. Nicki suggested I find girls and act really gay, so I did just that. I saw a group of edgy looking 20 somethings and approached with a “Haaay, do you have a spare cigarette?” The girls responded “Absolutely ” in a very American accent which triggered  the question: “Oh where are you from?” From there, I made temporary friends with the group of girls from L.A., Nicki and I were being social when Kyle decides to up and leave. Now Kyle is this cute asian guy that reeked of innocence, my type completely. I always feel compelled to watched over these guys and be around them, Gay or straight. In this case, he is the latter. Though he did kiss me on the forehead before we parted ways. And Nicki isn’t convinced 🤔.

Anyways Nicki and I got more shots and enjoyed the rest of the …. morning? The sun sets at 10pm here and rises at 4am. It’s nuts. But I had a phenomenal time, learned some banging new dance moves– Courtesy of a Nickie.  And got battle danced for going to hard and hitting a hidden bar with my leg. Ouch.

My night ends with me assisting two gay Irish travelers on Google maps to get to a party, with one of them clearly coming on to me while the other shouted at him to not be a creep. And when I got into the hostel, dead set on writing this blog– I had the pleasure of speaking with a gay guest here from Brazil. We are somewhat similiar and he was at the KitKat party as well though he had an amazing time with much more success than I. No surprise there. But it’s time for bed and I’m ready to catch some z’s.

Hopefully I can sleep in this hostel without much disturbance.

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