Losing my credit card while traveling.

For almost two years now, I have had this amazing travel credit card that awards me with miles, points, zero foreign transaction fees, my FICO score. Good stuff.

But unfortunately,  I lost said credit card while leaving Budapest and going back to Tel Aviv to celebrate gay pride. It all starts with the hostel I was staying at my last three days in Budapest. It was literally on top of a night club that went on every night. The worst kind too, the kind of club that is constantly pandering young foreign students who can’t handle their alcohol. Terrible DJ and pricey drinks as well.
Because of this terrible nightclub / hostel deal, I didn’t get any sleep last night… Well, I managed to get a little
over two hours, I woke up feeling stiff and disenchanted. I got up in time to make it at the airport at 4:30am tired and low energy. Got breakfast there, but had to eat it quickly because I was already ten minutes pass boarding time when I got breakfast.


That was my breakfast. What you don’t see, is my credit card is hidden underneath that receipt there. I put it on my tray as I was rushing to get out of line, into a seat and eat before boarding. But I had time to take this picture…. what the hell man? I left my credit card underneath that plate on top of the waste bin. That much I know,  because when I landed in Tel Aviv, my card was gone.

Sigh. I don’t know how I’m going to get my card back when I’m constantly on the go overseas. What’s a guy to do?

This is as bad as breaking my -6.5 prescription glasses last week.


But I’m still enjoying myself. I won’t let these little blunders ruin my time abroad. I still have a debit card… that charges me a percentage of every transaction I make abroad. 😂😅

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