Home Alone!

This is the first weekend I have the Brooklyn apartment all to myself!
The part of the agreement where I’ll be in Brooklyn while they’re in the Hamptons is the sweetest part of the deal, because I can relax and not worry about cleaning. For just one weekend, I can pretend I live in NYC in an apartment all to myself and not worry about a thing…

All I have to do is make sure this place looks like it id when they left Thursday night, which shouldn’t be hard. I don’t take up much space, haven’t really gone into their room since they’ve been gone. I did clean the shower with Ajax earlier and tomorrow I have to do a little dusting before they comeback. I wish I could have every weekend off like this. It’s nice, something to definitely look forward to.

Happy Cleaning.

Southampton Slave

Weekend #3 at the Southamptons. Hurray…
This weekend, again, started on Thursday night. But it was just me and one of my employers. The other had business to attend to and would meet us on Friday night.

I was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of being alone in this house with just one of them, rightfully so. Because he spent most of his time with his dick hanging out. He never stopped to ask if I was comfortable with him walking around nude, but I mean this is his home. He can do whatever he wants, but that lack of consideration feeds my growing distain for this position.

They are unaware, but I have found a job in the city and started working on Thursday. I told my actual employer, you know the one that pays me, that I wouldn’t be able to work this weekend. So I have this weekend off, but I see both things conflicting really soon.

This weekend we also have a guess staying with his, a long time friend of theirs who is the same age as myself. They’ve been friends with him since he was a teenager… Like below the age of consent. Two 40 year old men hanging out with a 16/17 year old… I don’t know the nature of their relationship but I’m sensing there’s devious play at work.

I was able to sleep in Friday and start cleaning at 1:45pm. Spent about an hour and fourty minutes and this place is pretty damn clean if I don’t say so myself… But honestly… This place was STILL clean from the last time we were here… The off weekend that I was suppose to have to myself, where they would come to the Hamptons alone never happened. I was stuck with them in Bay Ridge as well. There’s just no winning.

When I was cleaning, my cleaning techniques were periodically questioned.
“Are you sure Pinesol is okay to use on wooden floors?”
“Oh is the mop water dirty? (Don’t forget to change it)”
“Oh yeah, when cleaning the toilet don’t forget to clean around the toilet fixture as well” (No shit)

I’m not sure how much more I can handle. I was a housekeeper before, I know what I’m doing and I’m doing it for room and board. And I don’t even get a room, I get a couch. I had a room here in the Hamptons, but they kicked me out in favor of their friend. So I’m cleaning their Hamptons home so I can stay on an air mattress and give up a weekend of working at my new job.

This weekend is half way over, thank god.
Til then, Happy Cleaning!

Two weeks in…

We’ve never discussed the two week trial period this past Wednesday regarding my position as their houseboy. I’m assuming that they’re satisfied with my work. It’s gotten significantly easier after the first week, because I’m just maintaining the level of cleanliness in the apartment. There are new tasks that pop up every now and then, like doing a meticulous polish job on their large bureaus.

But it’s not that difficult. There are only two things I struggle with…. Getting up every morning at 7am is very difficult for me. I am a night owl. I prefer to be out when it’s dark and go to sleep right around dawn. Now I’m waking up at dawn… It’s disorienting. I wish there were some leeway with the time that I’m expected to wake up.

The second thing I have a problem with is their expectations. They’ve got very high expectations for me, as their house boy. But some of the things they ask me to do aren’t related to cleaning. I’ve morphed into this houseboy personal assistant. It’s honestly because I’m always at their apartment. I’ve nothing else to do, but that’ll change soon when I start working at taking continuing education courses.

Oh, there is one other thing that I struggle with… Well, it’s more so something that bothers me. I’m suppose to wake up at 7am to clean, but only one of them wakes up at 7 am, the other stays in bed until 9am. So I’m only doing the dishes and maybe cleaning the bathroom. And when the early bird does wake up, he walks around the first half of the morning STARCH naked. There’s nothing wrong with walking around your apartment naked, but for me it makes me super uncomfortable. This fifty year old gay man walking around naked. I usually just sit on the couch and wait for him to put on clothes before I start cleaning. I’ve ever started waking up a little later, so completely avoid seeing him naked.

Happy Cleaning!
Hopefully you folks don’t struggle with these obstacles when cleaning. 🙂

Back to Bay Ridge

Labor day is almost over and I am finally leaving the Hamptons. Thank god, my temporary entrapment is over, for now. If they decide to keep me on board, since I am still in the two week trial period, then next weekend I will be home alone! Woohoo, I certainly hope so. I could use a break from the cleaning and more importantly from them.

The are very nice guys, I have to reiterate this, they are fantastic. But they should compensate me for my time and have more realistic expectations. This is really my fault though, I agreed to this living situation.

I might not be doing this for much longer, in which case — Back to square one. That will throw a major wrench in my plans. For now, I will just be grateful to have a roof of my head in the Big Apple.

(Edit: We left their home at Southamptons really late and ended up getting back to their apartment in Bay Ridge around 1:30am. I asked what time do I need to wake up tomorrow and they want me to wake up exactly when they do, at 7am. This is why I need to be compensated. It’s their faults we get in this late and they still want me to wake up early to do two hours of cleaning on a house I’ve already put 10+ hour of cleaning into last week? I’m annoyed, but whatever. I’ll just wake up, do a little cleaning then go back to sleep.)


I’m back in Southampton with my “employers”, weekend #2 here.
This time around the novelty of it has diminished and I’m just plain bored. I was able to get all the cleaning needed to be done in just three hours. But I’m here for four days. I’m not needed here, but I guess they like having a live in slave, seeing how we are kind of secluded, surrounded by greenery and highways. I’ve no where to go.

I’ve spent most of my day reading and playing videos games. Throw in a little netflix. But I’m just so bored and I’m really re-considering this whole houseboy thing. I’m to blame, for no setting bounds and sharing my expectations. The original agreement was that I would spend every other weekend here. I suppose their weekend starts on Thursdays whereas mine starts on Saturday. This little misunderstanding might be a deal breaker going forward. We’ll see.

Last week was a little more eventful, and much less of a bore. But still a bore nonetheless. I look forward to next weekend, where I’ll be in their city apartment by myself. Freedom.

One Week In.

I’ve been at this houseboy thing for a week now, and it’s been very interesting.
I have been yearning for new experiences and adventures, and I have to say this last week has been an adventure.

I moved from Boston to Brooklyn, NY and I’m cleaning for an affluent couple. Makes for interesting conversation I guess. However, I am pretty sure I will be hesitate to share the details of my living situation with most people until after I move out.

I survived my first week as a House Boy, and I have another week that serves as a trial period before I know whether or not these guys want to keep me onboard for longer. After that thoroughly microwave cleaning I did earlier today, I’m sure I’ve won them over.

Happy Cleaning,
Yoya Fabulosa

I am a House Boy.

Hello one and all,
To my blog about my misfit adventures as a House Boy!~

Now you’re probably wondering what a house boy is, no worries. I struggled with that in the beginning to. Basically, it’s a guy (usually younger) who lives and cleans the home of his employer. It’s basically a live in a maid with a trade-off really. The House boy gets a place to live, rent free. The employer gets someone that takes care of the domestic front, for free.

This sort of agreement is more commonly found in the gay community. Prior to becoming a house boy myself, I did what any millennial would do when presented with a new employment opportunity. I google’d it, dug up as much information as I could!

Much to my dismay, there wasn’t anything on the experiences of a house boy minus a few websites for escort services and fetish fiction. I couldn’t find any accounts of actual house boys. So I set out to be that person to clear the air and share my experience as a house boy.

I hope you guys enjoy my blog, feel free to bombard me with questions!

Happy Cleaning,
Yoya Fabulosa